TU 2.0


TU有什么新鲜事吗? 今年夏天发生了很多事情. 以下是2023年秋季即将推出的一些令人兴奋的变化.


Pinetree Residence Hall is undergoing some renovations.宿舍楼的改善工程包括重新铺设停车场, 室内绘画, 扩建食堂, 淋浴装置, 公共区域和洗衣区也进行了升级.

莫里斯·布莱克, director of facilities management at 澳门受权博彩网站, 宿舍里的墙壁说, 包括在公共区域, 用餐区, 洗衣房, 游戏区和走廊, 会被漆成令人愉快的灰色吗, and the trims will be painted in an off-white color. The colors of the walls were previously white and green.

停车场已经重新铺设,停车位从30个增加到45个. The parking spaces will be at the front and behind the residence hall.

The 用餐区 was expanded to include another 1,735 square feet. 扩展的餐厅包括从建筑前部进入宿舍的区域. 一个公共区域现在位于用餐区后面,包括一个带台球桌的游戏区, 电视, 和沙发.

Two years ago, 15 showers were installed in the students’ dorm rooms. This summer, the remaining 18 are being replaced with new showers.

The 洗衣房s will include two additional washers and dryers. In total, it will have six washers and six dryers.


TU正在Magnolia校区开发男女足球练习场.这两个足球场各为110码. They will be located adjacent to each other in front of the gymnasium. 田地将是草地,田地上方将有拥挤的摄像机来记录练习. 该油田将于7月底完工.请继续关注最新图片!




TU重新配置了健身房,以更好地为我们所有的学生运动员准备他们的运动. 看看我们的新设备!
TU举重室力量和调理室有400多件设备,供所有参加各种运动的TU学生运动员使用, 包括棒球, 篮球, 游泳, 田径, 夺旗橄榄球, 足球, 足球, 和垒球, 等.


“Our goal as a strength and conditioning staff is to get our athletes bigger, 快, 在保持(或获得)过程中的机动性/灵活性的同时,更强壮, 以创建一个更“完整”的最终目标 & versatile” student-athlete based on the needs of each individual sport,科里·波特, 体能训练主任, 说.


运动员可以在力量和调理室做不同的运动,比如后蹲, 前面蹲, 分裂蹲, 后脚抬高开叉深蹲, 推,, 挂打扫, 权力清理, 推压, 台印刷机, 倾斜台式压力机, 军事压, 引体向上, 哑铃卧推, 哑铃倾斜卧推, 哑铃行, 哑铃行, 哑铃军用压力机, 还有其他东西.


  • 15个奥运衣架 & Platforms (each rack includes (1) adjustable bench, 多个上拉杆附件, 地雷附件, 和多个电阻带)
  • 2个哑铃部分(每个哑铃部分有4个可调节的长椅,2组5磅.-50磅. 哑铃和一组55磅.-100磅. 哑铃)
  • 06(45磅). 盘子),18(35磅. 盘子),70(25磅. 盘子),70(10磅. 盘子),40(5磅. 板), & 30 (2.5磅. 板)
  • 4个臀肌火腿/背部伸展机
  • 20+药球(6磅.-20磅.)
  • 5战斗绳索
  • 4陷阱栏杆
  • 1套增力箱

For Injured Athletes/Athletes going through Rehabilitation


  • 2台腿部按压机
  • 伸腿机1台
  • 卷腿机1台
  • 1 .等侧胸背机
  • 1髋部 & Glute机
  • 1、拉拉机


  • 5个跑步机
  • 5椭圆星系
  • 4固定式自行车


+新! 学习共用区及学生活动室

TU完全改造了旧图书馆,为学生提供一个更好的地方做小组作业, receiving tutoring assistance and a place to just hang out with friends. Library materials are still available for research and class projects. Movies, virtual reality head sets, tons of games available!


“We wanted to make the Library space into a new 学习共享, 哪一所学校能为学生提供最舒适的学习环境,蒂芙尼·麦卡德尔, 共享学习技术助理, 说. 


The 学习共享 has 19 individual study carrels, 24张桌子用于协同工作, and two private study rooms that have a smart TV, table,  和椅子. 还有一个舒适的休息区,里面有一张沙发和四把舒适的椅子, 还有四把新的大号豆袋椅.

There are two computer labs with 23 computers and two large printers.

Students can not only study, but they can play games. The 学习共享 has two MetaQuest VR headsets.

“We are really excited about these and they have become a hit among students, 教师, 和工作人员,麦卡德尔说. 顾客可以玩《澳门受权博彩网站》等游戏, 太空海盗, and virtual golf or meditate using a guided meditation app. We also have an app to help with studying called Librarium, 学生们可以添加抽认卡,玩寻找隐藏卡片的游戏,然后在卡片弹出时打出正确答案.”TU学习共享

“马丁·路德·金:现在是时候了”和“安妮·弗兰克之家”最近加入了VR体验. Both of which bring history to life in a new and immersive environment.

另一个新的便利设施是一个由CAB赞助的小咖啡站. Students can grab a cup of coffee, tea or hot chocolate. 


有一些书可以在学习共享,但绝大多数都在一个存储区. Students can request books by visiting TU’s online catalog by clicking this link. 然后这些书将被搁置. 工作人员将取回书籍,并通知学生何时可以取书. 学生也可以发送电子邮件到 tulibrary@f444444.com 获取任何更新.



TU设备房和洗衣房设备间是放橄榄球头盔的地方, 垫肩, 楔子, 口部分, 腰带和更多的东西被储存起来. 场地设备,如足球, 解决包, and other practice gears are housed in that room as well. There are washers and dyers in the equipment room.

+新! 运动科学专业获得实验室

运动科学和运动管理专业的学生将有机会亲身体验专为他们设计的新实验室! 体育馆大楼的二楼正在扩建这个设施.


Our new locker room for men’s 足球 looks awesome!
男子足球更衣室更衣室于5月完工. It has 115 lockers where athletes can store their personal belongings. 还有11间淋浴房和6间浴室. Players can listen to music while they are in the locker room.

+FIRST TU男子足球训练营

These are pictures of our first ever team practice. 我们的春季训练“很晚”,这样我们就可以让我们的新队员和去年开始上课的球员一起练习. 这是建立团队合作的好机会!


The new Women’s Flag Football locker room looks awesome! There are 56 lockers, so each athlete can use two. There are three-bathroom stalls with two showers. There is also a head coaches’ office inside in the locker room.

+Success Advisors Move Offices to Magnolia 校园

The advising staff at Forbes 校园 will be moving to the Magnolia 校园. This provides easier access to advising staff for on-campus students.

+New and Improved Conference Rooms on Magnolia 校园

白玉兰校区有两个新的会议室,一个大会议室和一个小会议室.The large conference room has a seating capacity of 72 people. 它有一个带电脑讲台的短距投影仪和一个连接到讲台电脑的六扬声器音响系统.

The small conference room has a seating capacity of about eight people. 它可以用来举办小型会议. 它有一个75英寸的Newline触摸屏面板,内置电脑,以及一个带有人工智能跟踪的Poly视频会议设备. 人工智能跟踪允许摄像头跟踪房间里的演讲者,因为他们在房间里移动.

“在TU,任何需要空间的人都可以使用它们,——库尔特·斯特林费罗, Vice President of Institutional Advancement and Athletic Director, 说.


澳门受权博彩网站 is offering a new meal plan to all students.新的膳食计划为学生提供每周19顿饭在松树宿舍楼. 该计划包括工作日的早餐,午餐和晚餐,以及周末的早午餐和晚餐.

膳食计划包含在松树学生宿舍的住宿套餐中. 其他学生可以购买膳食计划.

除了新的饮食计划, 学生需要刷新学生证才能在松树宿舍楼用餐.




从今年秋天开始,澳门受权博彩网站将成为塔拉哈西兽医中心的卫星所在地.斯蒂芬•弗格森, Vice President for Military and Corporate Relations at TU, 兽医中心将为该地区的退伍军人以及在TU就读的退伍军人提供资源和服务.

弗格森说,TU在2017年开始了它的军事和退伍军人项目,当时有一小部分与军队有关的学生入学. Now the program has ballooned to nearly 300 military-affiliated students. TU还将在9月举行第一场比赛,举行军人过渡足球队的第一个赛季. 2.

“我们已经发展了退伍军人和军事项目,退伍军人管理局的工作人员确实需要在我们的校园里协助进行心理健康咨询, 澳门网络博彩网站的好处, 残疾人福利, referral to other resources or other veteran services organizations,他说.

TU has had a longstanding relationship with the Tallahassee Vet Center. 自2017年以来, TU和塔拉哈西兽医中心一直在开展不同的倡议,包括转介TU兽医或与TU合作的其他地区兽医,为无家可归者提供具体服务, 心理健康问题, 儿童保育服务. The Vet Center has also done numerous presentations at TU.

塔拉哈西兽医中心利用托马斯维尔的一个设施提供团体咨询, 团体治疗, and one-on-one meetings with veterans and their families in the area. 然而, Ferguson 说 it was not conducive to the schedule of some veterans, so TU offered the Tallahassee Vet Center the opportunity to use the campus.

“这个机会太棒了,”弗格森说. “It does not only raise the profile of TU’s veterans programming, 但也让TU成为周边地区退伍军人的集中中心. 职业澳门网络博彩网站培训中心提供多种服务, including counseling and referrals to VA services and other resources.



托马斯维尔,GA 31792