



澳门受权博彩网站 recognizes the value of your 空军和太空部队 training. We will accept and apply your CCAF degree toward one of our bachelor’s degree programs.  We offer several degree programs that align with your Specialty Code and customized counseling catered to your individual 澳门网络博彩网站 needs.

  • Graduates of the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) can complete their undergraduate degree in as few as 60 semester hours.
  • 本科学费上限为每学分250美元.
  • 在线学位课程.
  • 传统的主校区毕业典礼.
  • 从CLEP和DSST接受学分.
  • 区域认证.


托马斯维尔,GA 31792

CCAF成绩单流程.  注意:仅当您从安全的 .密尔网络

你可以索取一份正式的成绩单, 打印并邮寄到您选择的地址, 使用CCAF的成绩单订购表格.

  • Log into the AF Portal and further to AFVEC (Air Force Virtual 澳门网络博彩网站 Center).
  • 在“自助服务”下单击“CCAF查看进度报告”.
  • 在“成绩单”下拉菜单中点击“订购成绩单”.



All Airman are required to visit their base voluntary 澳门网络博彩网站 center and request academic counseling from the ESO or other 澳门网络博彩网站 support personnel before requesting tuition assistance.

才能进入在线TA申请流程, 您必须在AFVEC上创建用户名和密码. 这可以通过空军门户网站完成 http://www.my.af.mil/

所有助教资金申请必须得到主管的批准, 空军虚拟澳门网络博彩网站中心(AFVEC), 并在日期前45个日历天内申请助教, 不迟于7个日历日前, 学期开始日期

For Additional information on requesting TA, please visit the following website:





澳门受权博彩网站 is proud to be a partner of the Community College of the Air Force offering General 澳门网络博彩网站 Mobile coursework!


斯蒂芬•弗格森 military@f444444.com


The following courses are approved GEM coursework for completion of CCAF degree. 课程分为8周和16周.


  • rel210, 3小时,世界宗教概论 前提条件:eng102. A survey of the development of religious ideas in early human communities as well as the origins and central teachings of the major living religious traditions, 包括犹太教, 基督教, 伊斯兰教, 印度教, 佛教, 儒家思想, 道教和神道教. 本课程可用于满足核心课程人文学科的要求.
  • FLM 210, 3小时,电影导论 前提条件:eng102. 本课程介绍电影的形式与美学, 运用电影的基本技术和关键词汇, and explores the cultural history of American film through a variety of genres. 本课程可用于满足核心课程人文学科的要求.
  • 人文学科交叉研究1,3学时 前提条件:eng102. 本课程介绍艺术的思想和价值, 文学, 哲学, 和宗教 from the beginning of civilization through the time of the Roman Empire in the west and the civilizations of India and China in the east.
  • 人文学科跨学科研究2,3学时 前提条件:eng102. 本课程介绍艺术的思想和价值, 文学, 音乐, 哲学, 和宗教从公元开始一直到中世纪.


  • MTH 140, 3小时,大学代数 本课程的重点是研究线性, 二次, 指数, 多项式, 和对数函数, 不平等, 以及它们的应用. Also, a study of rational and piecewise defined functions, their graphs and applications. 需要TI 83图形计算器.
  • 250美元,3小时,统计学概论 先决条件:MTH 120或MTH 140或更高,“C”或更好. 本课程的重点是描述性和推断性统计的研究, 统计技术,包括集中趋势的测量, 分散, 概率, 抽样, 初级显著性检验, 置信区间, 相关, 回归, 和方差分析.


  • SPE 105,3小时,专业口语交流 演讲导论, 旨在培养负责任的, 口语沟通能力强, 通过建立研究和批判性思考主题的技能, 组织思想和想法, 做专业的演讲.
  • 英语101,3学时,作文I An introduction to writing that concentrates on developing expository techniques through summaries and essays incorporating analysis, 合成, 论点, 批判性思维能力. The course also teaches research skills, and a major documented paper is required. Mastery of standard English usage and principles of composition is determined through departmental examination and evaluation. 成绩必须达到“C”或更高.
  • 英语102,3小时,作文II 前提条件:英语101成绩C或以上. A continuation and expansion of the skills and principles introduced in ENG 101 through the study and analysis of 文学. 需要一份主要的文件. Mastery of the principles of composition is determined through departmental examination and evaluation. 成绩必须达到“C”或更高.


  • GEO 201, 3学时,地理概论 地理学是研究人类空间分布的学科, 文化, 地球表面的地点和环境, with a focus on the similarities and differences between those distributions. It includes relationships between different peoples from the local to the global scale while examining both cultural and natural factors, and it explores features of the natural environment as a background to explain human environmental interactions. 为了实现这个目标, 我们将研究四种地理传统:地球科学传统, 文化-环境传统, 选址传统, 和区域分析传统.
  • PSY 201, 3小时,普通心理学 对人类行为和心理过程的科学的介绍. 动机, 情绪, 个性, 内存, 学习和神经科学是将要讨论的一些领域.
  • SOC 2013.1学时,社会学导论 前提条件. An introduction to the field of sociology involving how society and its component parts are structured, including an analysis of the development and function of social institutions: government, 经济, 澳门网络博彩网站, 家庭, 和宗教.

The Air 大学 Associate to Baccalaureate Cooperative (AU-ABC) is an initiative between Air 大学 and civilian higher 澳门网络博彩网站 institutions that offer baccalaureate degree opportunities to every Airmen and Guardian. AU-ABC links Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) graduates to approved, online bachelor degree programs from accredited civilian colleges and universities. 飞行员及护卫队,并获空军空军学院学位, 谁参加了AU-ABC项目, 能保证在60个学分内完成学士学位吗.

  • Active duty Air Force, Active duty Space Force, Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard
  • Degree requirements may be completed after you retire or separate from the Air Force provided you have a conferred CCAF degree.

The following Baccalaureate degrees at 澳门受权博彩网站 have been approved for the AU-ABC program.







NOTE: 澳门受权博彩网站 offers a variety of programs and will work with 所有 Airmen to maximize their CCAF credit in 所有 学士学位专业.


斯蒂芬•弗格森 military@f444444.com 202.821.7249 免费电话844-862-6978
In an effort to assist service members with obtaining industry certifications and licensures relative to their military Specialty Code (AFSC), 空军和太空部队现在提供了一个获得认证的途径. 为在特殊职业领域工作的服务人员, obtaining a professional certification assist with promotion and can open doors to immediate employment upon leaving the armed services. 谁有资格使用COOL计划?
  • All enlisted airman and guardians serving on active duty, Reserves and National Guard components
  • 必须拥有5级AFSC代码
  • Must be on active duty for the completion of the entire certification/licensure
  • 需要直接主管批准
  • E-7 through E-9 are eligible for leadership and management level certifications/licensures
为你的证书付费 获得认证和/或执照是有成本的. 除了由相应的认证机构评估的费用之外, 可能需要考试准备和培训. 空军将承担高达4美元的费用,每名飞行员500美元,用于认可的认证培训, 考试, 书, 学习材料, 重新认证和预备课程. 申请AF COOL的流程 Access the AF COOL homepage and match your AFSC with the corresponding credential. 一旦您找到了适当的凭证, 通知将发送给您的主管进行审查. 开始准备你的资金申请, 其中包括复习考试, 差距分析和认证/执照要求. Upload 所有 required documentation, and finalize the “funding request” process. 一旦你的导师批准了资助申请, 通知将被发送到afcool办公室付款. For additional information on the AF COOL program, please visit the following website: http://afvec.兰利.af.毫升/ afvec /公共/凉爽/ HowDoIApply.aspx 澳门受权博彩网站COOL认证培训项目
  • 项目管理专业人员(PMP)
  • 精益六西格玛(LSS)
  • Cyber/IT: All training programs listed below are aligned with the Department of Defense Directive 8140 (DoDD 8140 replaced 8570)
    • 前年网络+
    • 前年安全+
    • 前年 A +
    • 认证资讯系统保安专业人员(CISSP)
    • 认证道德黑客(CEH)

问题? 请拨打免费电话844-862-6978或发送电子邮件至 military@f444444.com.



托马斯维尔,GA 31792